Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Muhlehaus Regiment

The MUHLEHAUS REGIMENT is ready, having been painted by Jay Stribling.

The Muhlehaus Grenadiers Show their new uniforms.

The Muhlehaus Line and Battalion gunners show off their uniforms.

A closeup of the the Muhlehaus line.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Schwabian Reich Force report

To General Leopold Tiberius Flatsburg
Schwabian League defense forces
From Brigadier General R.A. Whitfeld
Commanding Schwabian Reich Force


Maria Therresa's gracious consent for the drawing of Reich supplies along the route of march has been a blessing. The abominable weather and road conditions along our route of march has slowed to that of a snail. The only blessing is that we have accepted many volunteers to the colors and our reinforced regiments should counter Harzburgs plans.

I am swinging to the South so as to protect Southern Schwabia and threaten Harzburg at the same time. I am early enough on this course that upon your order I could be directed to a place you feel is more deserving of our presence.

Faithfully your humble servant
RA Whitfeld Brigadier General
Schwabian Reich Force